Careers at St Peter's
Our school is the first choice as a place for teachers to flourish professionally.
Come share in our journey as a member of staff and most importantly a valued member of the St Peter's community.
If you’re passionate about teaching, strive for excellence, and aspire to make a positive difference in education, we encourage you to apply and become a member of our inclusive and welcoming community. You’ll be joining a team where everyone’s voice is heard and valued, talents are recognised and success is celebrated together.
St Peter’s is a welcoming, diverse and inclusive community with strong enrolments and a positive reputation in the local area. Our culture revolves around mutual support and recognition, fuelling our collective efficacy. We offer a welcoming and inclusive school community with a supportive leadership team and abundant opportunities for professional development. An enriching career awaits you at our school.
Supportive community: Join a school where everyone is valued and empowered to be the best version of themselves. Various partnerships have been established and we strive to work in collaboration with our families.
Opportunities for growth: We provide many opportunities and pathways for professional learning. Emerging leaders are nurtured and given opportunities to lead. The school's improvement journey is energised by a staff culture of collaboration that enables teachers to learn with and from each other.
Excellence in teaching: A supportive and experienced leadership team ensures staff have mentoring and coaching opportunities. A sharp focus on Literacy and Numeracy as core priorities has built a shared vision and responsibility, underpinned by a distributed model of instructional leadership and targeted professional learning to build collective efficacy.
Values in Faith: Belong to a catholic community inspired by faith who live by the values of working in an inclusive community that embraces diversity and guided by our catholic values.
Friendship: Enjoy working with people who share the passion of making a difference to the students we teach and enjoy building relations with colleagues.
Teacher Voice
St Peter's Careers - A Focus on New Teachers (Laura)

St Peter's Careers - A Focus on New Teachers (Laura)

St Peter's Careers - A Focus on Graduates (Gabbi)

St Peter's Careers - A Focus on Leadership (Erin)

St Peter's Careers - A Focus on Expert Teacher & Emerging Leader (Elise & Billy)

Frequently Asked Questions
Have questions about life at St Peter's, Epping.
Check out our FAQs for answers to commonly asked questions.
What is the average class size and structure at St Peter’s?Our average class size is kept small, with approximately 25- 26 students per class, with two straight classes per year level.
How many students and educators are there at St Peter’s Epping?We have a dedicated team of 30teachers, 10 learning support officers and 3 office administrative staff. We currently have an enrollment of 360 students.
Are there professional development opportunities available for staff?We have multiple opportunities for staff development - weekly year level Professional Learning Team (PLT) meetings on a Tuesday and whole school professional learning meetings on a Wednesday. Staff have the opportunity to be part of sphere teams and attend internal and external learning. In the first three years of graduate employment staff are allocated a classroom teacher and leadership team mentor to ensure they are supported during their initial years of teaching. We also draw on classroom observations amongst our staff to build teaching capacity and the ability to learn and grow together in the educational space. The school is engaging with the MACS Flourishing Learning Position statement, Vision for instruction, identifying areas of strong alignment. Whole staff training in 2023 and 2024 in the Berry Street Education Model (BSEM) together with aspects of the Vision for instructions is a direction the school will be deepening knowledge in moving forward. This is a collective journey and all staff are part of the professional dialogue.
Is there safe parking available for staff? What about public transportation options?There are staff allocated parking spaces in Coulstock and Davison Street. Parking permits are given to all staff members. We are allocated across the road from Epping train station
Are there extra activities or commitments outside of regular teaching duties?Participation in extra activities is optional. We have termly social events in which all staff are invited to participate. Activities include barefoot bowls, ten pin bowling and dinner gatherings. In consultation with the school consultative committee made up of staff members, additional school events are agreed upon and Time in Lieu (TIL) is allocated for out of contracted hours that involve school / community participation. For example attending Christmas carols and school expo nights.
How often are staff meetings held?Staff meetings are held twice weekly to facilitate communication and collaboration among team members, ensuring everyone stays informed and aligned with school goals and initiatives. Tuesday and Wednesday nights.
What does the planning process look like for teachers?Teachers are allocated teacher planning time in line with the 30/8 Catholic Education Multi- Enterprise Agreement 2022. Each week a school leader will conduct 30 minutes of a facilitated conversation. This conversation is staff driven by the teacher 's voice. Teachers know their students well, accessing a broad range of data to identify starting points for learning and to measure growth. Teachers plan in their teams and school leaders are always available to support staff if additional support is requested. Graduate staff are given additional planning and preparation time.
Student Behaviour?The school is a safe and enabling community with clear behavioural expectations that are framed within a restorative approach aimed at building coping skills, self regulation and resilience.
What is communication like with families?We prioritise open and transparent communication with families through regular newsletters and assemblies, parent-teacher conversations, online platforms including Compass and Seesaw, and various celebrations throughout the school year.