St Peter's offers a rich mathematical program that is tailored to meet every student's specific needs. The mathematics program at St Peter’s is designed using student data from a variety of assessments to achieve targeted and meaningful learning. Teachers ensure students participate in small explicit teacher groups that are targeted at their point of need, whether that be supporting or extending the learning of each student. We have a balanced Numeracy approach at St Peter's that also ensures students apply their learning to challenging tasks.
Numeracy and problem solving skills are essential not only for school but for life. At St Peter’s we aim to grow each student's mathematical understanding so they can reach their full potential.
Our Mathematics learning program incorporates the six strands of the Victorian Curriculum 2.0: number, algebra, measurement, space, statistics and probability. In the classroom, there is opportunity to learn with concrete materials and visual representations, to participate in learning based upon relatable, real world contexts, and to integrate mathematical learning into different curriculum areas such as Art and Science. Mathematics is brought to life in our STEM program as students apply their learning to solve problems using the design and digital technologies curriculum. .
St Peter’s is fortunate to have a Mathematics Leader who is able to collaborate with teachers to create rich, data driven lessons as well as provide weekly professional development to ensure we are using current best practice. The Mathematics Leader facilitates or oversees a range of programs to help enrich the mathematical understanding of all students.
Supporting programs offered at St Peter’s:
Getting Ready in Numeracy (GRIN) program (Years 3-6)
Small group intervention support across year levels as required
Extension program - Olympiads (Years 3-6)
Learning Support Officers facilitate one on one and small group support during school hours
A growth mindset approach underpins all mathematics teaching and learning at St Peter’s. It is the belief that we are all capable of learning and improving our mathematical understanding and emphasises the importance of persevering with challenging tasks.
Numeracy in Action